Takeshi Hanzawa 1977.3.10.生
デビューはイタリアのレーベルIRMA RECORDSに参加した事をきっかけに、
1st mini album『Love affair』(02年1月)をリリース。
1st Full album『The World is Echoed』 (03年7月)、
2nd mini album『Oriental Quaint.』(05年1月)、
collection album『IMAGERY』(06年4月)と
全タイトルが軒並チャー ト上位を占め、ヒット作となった。
3rd mini album『HARMONY』(07年2月)ではiTunes Music Storeや
同年、2nd Full Album『SOUNDS』(07年9月)では
SHIBUYA-AXを含む全国8カ所のLIVEツ アーを敢行、
『Life』(10年3月)、同年『FreeTEMPO BEST ALBUM "TENSE"』
2013年にはフジテレビドラマ『ラストシンデレラ』の音楽を担当、同年5月に発売のサウンドトラックは、iTunes OSTチャートにて1位を記録した。
その後、2014年にかけてJR東日本『TOHOKU EMOTION』プロジェクトにMusic Directionとして参加。
An artist, DJ and producer from Miyagi, Japan.
He started his musical career as FreeTEMPO in 2000.
His debut was influenced by joining the Italian label IRMA RECORDS.
Released his 1st mini album "Love affair" (January 2002).
His 1st Full album "The World is Echoed" (July 2003),
Recurrence "LoveAFFAIR" (December 2003),
2nd mini album "Oriental Quaint." (January 2005),
With collection album "IMAGERY" (April 2006)
All titles occupy top of the charts and became a hit.
His 3rd mini album "HARMONY" (February 2007) on the iTunes Music Store
Recorded the 1st place in each FM station, etc.,
and made the melody sense and existence immovable.
In the same year, in his 2nd full album "SOUNDS" (September 2007)
Recorded No. 1 as a Japanese in the 2007 club chart of major retailers.
He performed LIVE Tsu his Ah at 8 locations nationwide, including SHIBUYA-AX.
He also appeared in Fuji Rock '08 and attracted about 4,000 people.
He has been active in Korea since his debut and concerts are held every year in Seoul.
Countdown event (appeared in 2004-10),
He was the first Japanese to appear as a DJ at the Busan International Film Festival '08,
and was extremely popular.
Celebrating his 10th anniversary in 2010, his last original album as FreeTEMPO
"Life" (March 2010), "FreeTEMPO BEST ALBUM" TENSE " in the same year
Released (December 2010). At the end of the 2011 last live,
announced a period for a 10-year project under the name of FreeTEMPO.
In 2013, he was in charge of the music for the Fuji TV drama "Last Cinderella",
and the soundtrack released in May of the same year reached No. 1 on the iTunes OST chart.
After that, he participated in the JR East "TOHOKU EMOTION" project as Music Direction until 2014.
Then, in 2021, after 10 years ... resumed music activities under the name of FreeTEMPO.
I'm working on a new album for the first time in about 10 years.